Anissa Guillemin

I am a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Theoretical Systems Biology Group at the University of Melbourne since February 2019. I received my Ph.D. in biology from the Laboratory of Biology and Cell Modelling at the ENS of Lyon in 2018, under the supervision of Olivier Gandrillon. We developed research projects with multidisciplinary approaches with particular interest in understanding cell decision-making.

Under the supervision of Michael Stumpf, my actual work is focused on understanding the mechanisms behind the stochastic dynamics during cell processes, such as stem cell or progenitor differentiation. I also use my background in biology to try to understand the implications of mathematical models coupled with the analysis of big data, and especially single cell data.

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Single-Cell-Based Analysis Highlights a Surge in Cell-to-Cell Molecular Variability Preceding Irreversible Commitment in a Differentiation Process ➟
Richard A, Boullu L, Herbach U, Bonnafoux A, Morin V, Vallin E, Guillemin A, et al. (2016). Teichmann SA, editor. PLOS Biology, 14: e1002585. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002585

Automated Cell Cycle and Cell Size Measurements for Single-Cell Gene Expression Studies ➟
Guillemin A, Richard A, Gonin-Giraud S, Gandrillon O. (2018). BMC Research Notes, 11: 92. doi:10.1186/s13104-018-3195-y

Calibration, Selection and Identifiability Analysis of a Mathematical Model of the in vitro Erythropoiesis in Normal and Perturbed Contexts ➟
Duchesne R, Guillemin A, Crauste F, Gandrillon O. (2019). ISB, 1–15. doi:10.3233/ISB-190471

WASABI: A Dynamic Iterative Framework for Gene Regulatory Network Inference ➟
Bonnaffoux A, Herbach U, Richard A, Guillemin A, Gonin-Giraud S, Gros P-A, et al. (2019). BMC Bioinformatics, 20: 220. doi:10.1186/s12859-019-2798-1

Drugs Modulating Stochastic Gene Expression Affect the Erythroid Differentiation Process ➟
Guillemin A, Duchesne R, Crauste F, Gonin-Giraud S, Gandrillon O. (2018). bioRXiv, in revision.

Deep Proteomic Analysis of Chicken Erythropoiesis ➟
Leduc M, Gautier E.F, Guillemin A, et al. (2018). bioRXiv, in submission.

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